Essential Wedding Event Preparation Advice

Tag: Juicing Flavors

Consume CBD in a New Healthy Way

Cannabis has proven itself as a remedy to many illnesses or as just a recreational pastime with health benefits. But smoking causes some of the common problems similar to those of people who are smoking cigarettes. To go around this problem and maximize the effectiveness of Cannabis you are using, why wouldn’t you try using it to make Juices with it and make some juicing flavors out of it. It is much safer for the health’s sake and you can mix it up with some other fruits and Juicing flavors to make it taste better and get more bang for your hard-earned buck. It doesn’t matter whether you use dried or fresh marihuana leaves the preference is up to your specific taste or situation.

Juicing Flavors

Now, you might be thinking, why would I ever want to drink my cannabis and not smoke it like a regular person. Well, the answer is pretty simple. It tastes better, it preserves more nutrients from the plant when used raw instead of losing some of those nutrients while combusting it. Not to talk about increased amounts of THC and CBD that are able to be absorbed into your system with some other beneficial compounds such as cannabis terpenes and flavonoids.

Make sure to have a good quality juicer that can handle your leafy greens. It is recommended to use about 2 to 4 grams of cannabis for maximum effectiveness when using fresh produce and about 1 gram when talking about dried stuff. When set and done, you can let your imagination run wild and mix and combine all types of fruit, milk and other typical juice flavors to make your cannabis juice pop out even more.